Heather Cuntingham

Fat Fleshy Fingers
A Horror Anthology Film
Created by Stephen Stull / BizarroLand Film Festival
Fat Fleshy Fingers is an anthology film that draws its inspiration from the lyrics of Neutral Milk Hotel's seminal psychedlic folk album in the Aeroplane Over the Sea and tells the tales of eight hapless ouls infected with a monstrous sexually transmitted parasite that holds eldritch powers over its host's mind.
The creators behind Fat Fleshy Fingers are all alumni of the BizarroLand Film Festival, hand picked by festival director Stephen Stull because their work best exemplifies he spirit of the festival--gross, hilarious, horny, and weird.
Astrology Readings
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Hollywood Horoscopes
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Where Astrology and Pop Culture Make a baby!
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"Star Child" - Published in Five:2:One Magazine and Kudzu Review
"Pleasantview" - Published in Z Pulishing: Florida's Emerging Writers
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Film & Video Art
Video Art Project featured at Midnight Movie Film Fest
Short Film screened at Bizarroland and SunPass Film Festivals

"Venus. Pisces. Virgo"
Video Art Project created for SPACECRAFT art workshop
"Saturn Return"
Video Art Project Created for SPACE CRAFT Art Workshop
"Vagina's Fairytale"
Short Film co-created by Christian Meola and Heather Cunningham for BizarroLand 72-Hour Film Festival.
Earned the "You're Special" Award.